Home » Rejoin EU Party Conference?Rejoin EU Party Conference? Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.The Rejoin EU Party is currently exploring the possibility of hosting a party conference in March next year. We’d like your thoughts Should the Rejoin EU Party host a party conference next year?YesNo currently the Would How likeley would it be that you would come?Highly likelyProbablyNot sureProbably wouldn’tCertain would not be able to comeLondon currently looks to be the easiest location to hold the conference. Would that work for you?London is a great location, would certainly comeLondon is not my preferred location but I would be able to come still.I wouldn’t be able to join if it was held in LondonHow much is a reasonable price for us to charge for tickets? Selected Value: 0 Part conferences are not free to organise and we would probably have to charge for tickets. Venue hire alone isn’t cheap. Of course, provisions would be made for those unable to pay with heavily discounted special rates.Are there any speakers you would like to hear from at the conference? Is there anything else you would like us to consider in regards to a Rejoin EU Party conference? Submit