*Operational note to news/picture desks (not for publication)*
As you may be aware, the National Rejoin March takes place in London tomorrow and the Rejoin EU Party will be taking part. The party expects the march to be well attended, particularly given the chaos engulfing the government and the economy and increasingly widespread public opinion that the only way to end it is to re-join the EU.
Party leader Richard Hewison, who is speaking at the post-march rally in Westminster, and other leading party officials and supporters will be available for interview before and during the event, which begins at Park Lane opposite the Dorchester Hotel at 1pm and is due to culminate in the rally at Parliament Square from 3pm-4.30pm.
To arrange interviews on the day, please email admin@therejoineuparty.com and we’ll reply as soon as possible.
The Rejoin EU Party is an official partner of the National Rejoin March. For further details about the NRM, visit marchforrejoin.co.uk/
*Notes for editors: *
*The Rejoin EU party is campaigning to re-join the EU because we believe the UK belongs at the heart of Europe and re-joining is the only way to solve the problems Brexit has created. Brexit is broken and it’s breaking our country too. All the promises on which Brexit was sold to the electorate in 2016 are now increasingly exposed as fantasy. Far from bringing the promised reduction in red tape and bureaucracy and providing £350m a week for the NHS, Brexit makes trading with the crucial European market more complex, difficult and expensive and threatens to reduce funding for public services. Sectors such as farming, fisheries & financial services, supposed to benefit from Brexit, now face an uncertain future. If you agree Brexit is making our country poorer, less tolerant and less united, join us and send a strong message to Westminster that you want your EU membership back, along with all its freedoms and benefits.* *
*Contact Rejoin EU at admin@therejoineuparty.com <admin@therejoineuparty.com>, visit our website at www.therejoineuparty.com <www.therejoineuparty.com/> and donate at Rejoin EU Party Campaign Fund – a politics crowdfunding project in United Kingdom by Rejoin EU Party (crowdfunder.co.uk <crowdfunder.co.uk>) www.crowdfunder.co.uk/p/rejoin-eu-party-campaign-fund <www.crowdfunder.co.uk/p/rejoin-eu-party-campaign-fund>. You can also follow the party on Twitter at @rejoinp*