
Party election broadcast from the Rejoin EU Party (re-sent to amend headline)

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April 11, 2024
*Party election broadcast from the Rejoin EU Party*
Brendan Election Vid.mp4 <drive.google.com/file/d/1SL9sDb4gfTN9daVOR1N2DzBdWdEirv5o/view?usp=drive_web>
Please find attached a video of a party election broadcast from the Rejoin EU Party for the London Assembly elections on May 2, plus a full transcription of the broadcast below. The video and further details of the party’s London Assembly campaign can also be found at therejoineuparty.com/london-mayoral-and-assembly-elections-2024/
“I’m Brendan Donnelly, I’m leader of the Rejoin EU Party and I would like to talk to you today about our party and about the London Assembly elections on May 2. Our party has a name which states our mission absolutely clearly. We want to re-join the European Union as soon as possible. We don’t want to think about joining the customs union in the next decade, or the internal market in 20 years’ time – no ifs, no buts, we want to re-join the EU and we know there are many people in London who agree with us about that.
“London voted overwhelmingly to remain [in the EU] in 2016 and that majority can only have increased as the problems of Brexit have unfolded. We’ll be standing in the London Assembly elections on the London-wide party list. You’ll have three votes – one for London mayor, one for the directly elected constituencies in the assembly and a third vote which will go to a list of parties, in which the Rejoin EU Party will feature.
“We hope you’ll give us your vote and thus send a message to the politicians, to the political elite of this country, who have shamefully neglected the problems of Brexit over the last eight years. We know many of you are politically committed to one or other of the parties and will want to vote for the mayoral candidate of your party and the directly elected constituency candidates of your party.
“Well, you can do that and then give us your third vote, which because of the way proportional representation works, may well result in a victory for one or two of our candidates. Successful candidates will enter the London Assembly and have a local and national platform for the re-join message. We think that’s a task well worth an undertaking [and] we’re hopeful it can come about, but we need your help.
“I hope that as many of you as possible will remember that your third vote is a vote that you can usefully and safely, without splitting the vote against Brexit, cast for the Rejoin EU Party. I look forward to the results on May 2 – good luck to you all.”
For further details and enquiries about interviews, please call Brendan Donnelly on 07956 379129. You can also read the party’s 2024 General Election manifesto at therejoineuparty.com/manifesto-2024.
*The Rejoin EU party is campaigning to re-join the EU because we believe re-joining is the only way to solve the multiple problems Brexit has created. Brexit is broken and it’s breaking our country too. All the promises on which Brexit was sold to the electorate in 2016 were nonsense. Far from reducing red tape and providing £350m a week for the NHS, Brexit makes trading with the crucial European market more complex, difficult and expensive and threatens to reduce funding for public services. If you agree Brexit is making our country poorer, less tolerant and less united, join us and send a message to Westminster that you want your EU membership back, with all its freedoms and benefits.*
*Contact Rejoin EU at admin@therejoineuparty.com <admin@therejoineuparty.com> and visit our website at www.therejoineuparty.com <www.therejoineuparty.com/>. You can also follow the party on Twitter at @rejoinp*
2 thoughts on

Party election broadcast from the Rejoin EU Party (re-sent to amend headline)

  • Michael Taylor

    Interesting that Brendan gives not a single reason why we should rejoin, or gives any consideration to the likely costs involved, or constraints on policies.

    Also interesting that on this website, there is one single benefit identified: ease of movement within the EU countries. Apart from that, nothing.

    I do acknowledge that some good people have a sentimental attachment to the idea of European Union, and have friendships across European nations which they treasure.

    But that simply is not a reason to give up national democratic accountability across a broad range of policies. Yes, I agree that our parties have managed to make the worst of Brexit so far, but – and this is hugely important – we can at least have the opportunity to kick the b*****s out. Not something you can do with the EU’s imperial bureaucracy.

    • General Admin

      You concede that political parties have managed to make the worst of Brexit. Do you think it’s realistic that any party will ever make a success of it?

      Your main reason for Brexit appears to be national democratic accountability. But other than an election every 5 years, with a FPTP system, which to say the least is problematic, do you really believe the costs and turmoil of Brexit were worth it for that rather dubious ‘benefit’? Does that ‘benefit’ really provide better healthcare, jobs, education, levelling up, housing for people in Britain? If not what benefits has Brexit really brought for most people?

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The Rejoin EU Party

Brexit isn’t working – this is why the Rejoin EU Party was founded. No amount of sticking plasters can solve this crisis. The only solution is to re-join the EU.

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