Quickest way to end the UK’s cost-of-living crisis? Vote Rejoin EU on May 2

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April 26, 2024 *Quickest way to end the UK’s cost-of-living crisis? Vote for the Rejoin EU Party on May 2**nd*
The quickest and easiest way to tackle the UK’s soaring cost-of-living crisis is to re-join the EU – and London voters can set the ball rolling by giving us their vote on May 2, the Rejoin EU Party says.
The results of an Office for National Statistics survey, carried out between April 10-24 and released on Friday, showed that the cost of living topped the list of most important issues facing the UK, with a whopping 87% of responses mentioning it, followed by the NHS (86%) and the economy (70%).
The findings follow a study <,in%202023%20under%20this%20scenario.> earlier this year showing the devastating impact of Brexit on the cost of living and the UK and London economy. The independent report by Cambridge Econometrics, commissioned by City Hall, said the UK economy is almost £140 billion smaller because of Brexit and London’s economy alone has shrunk by more than £30bn.
The study also showed London has 290,000 fewer jobs than if the UK had not left the EU and the average Londoner was nearly £3,400 worse off last year as a result of Brexit.
Labour mayor Sadiq Khan said at the time that the figures showed Brexit was a key contributor to the cost-of-living crisis and the government needed to build a closer relationship with the EU.
While the Rejoin EU Party welcomes Khan’s frankness on Brexit, Labour leader Keir Starmer is still inexplicably insisting he can “make Brexit work” and has ruled out re-joining the single market, customs union and the EU.
Rejoin EU Party leader Brendan Donnelly said: “We’re standing in the PR-based London-wide list ballot of the London Assembly elections on May 2 to give voters a chance to send Labour and others at Westminster a message that Brexit is wrecking the economy and we need to re-join the EU.
“Vote on May 2 for whoever you like in the mayoral and constituency elections, but please use your list vote to support the Rejoin EU Party.”
Notes to editors
You can find out more about the Rejoin EU Party’s London Assembly election campaign at and you can read the party’s 2024 General Election manifesto at
For further details and to arrange interviews, please call Brendan Donnelly on 07956 379129. *The Rejoin EU party is campaigning to re-join the EU because we believe re-joining is the only way to solve the multiple problems Brexit has created. Brexit is broken and it’s breaking our country too. All the promises on which Brexit was sold to the electorate in 2016 were nonsense. Far from reducing red tape and providing £350m a week for the NHS, Brexit makes trading with the crucial European market more complex, difficult and expensive and threatens to reduce funding for public services. If you agree Brexit is making our country poorer, less tolerant and less united, join us and send a message to Westminster that you want your EU membership back, with all its freedoms and benefits.*
*Contact Rejoin EU at <> and visit our website at <>. You can also follow the party on Twitter at @rejoinp*
*Promoted by Richard Hewison on behalf of the Rejoin EU Party, 86-90 Paul Street, London, EC2A 4NE.*

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The Rejoin EU Party

Brexit isn’t working – this is why the Rejoin EU Party was founded. No amount of sticking plasters can solve this crisis. The only solution is to re-join the EU.

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